FlowManager Documentation Beta

Structure Processed​Flow​Result

public struct ProcessedFlowResult: Codable

The output values return by the FlowManager processSample method. It include data transformed from the input sample values, such as BPM Speed, HRV etc., and event fired if anomalies or alarm conditions are happening.

%3 ProcessedFlowResult ProcessedFlowResult Codable Codable ProcessedFlowResult->Codable

Conforms To




let events: [Event]

A list of Events fired while processing a specific sample data point.


let bpmSpeed: Double

The calculated BPM speed index calculating as difference from the previous input sample.


let bpmSpeedAverage: Double

The calculated average BPM speed index calculating as difference from a circular buffer set of previous input samples.


let bpmLog: Double

The natural logarithm of the input sample BPM value


let hrv: Double?

The calculated Heart Rate Variability (HRV) value calculating using the SSDN algorithm with a circular buffer set of previous input samples.


let movementIndex: Double?

The movement index value calculating using the sample accellerometers data averaged with a circular buffer set of previous input samples. To yet implemented.


let sleepLevel: SleepLevel?

The sleep quality information determined in normal condition.